
Stress Relief for Kids

Did you know that 13 out of 100 children experience some type of anxiety disorder and more are simply stressed out? It’s true. Now, more than ever, anxiety in children is on the rise and it’s our job as parents and caregivers to help ease, and reduce, the stress that your child may experience. Check out these 5 tips for stress relief for kids.

  1. Get moving. Studies show that higher levels of physical activity are associated with lower levels of stress reactivity in children. While at home, opt for an outdoor get moving activity. Try a family soccer or T-ball game, go for a walk around the block while practicing social distancing, or, tune in to The Little Gym at Home virtual class experience to get moving in your living room.
  2. Implement a daily routine. In times of uncertainty, routines are even more important. By creating a daily routine for your child, you can help them gain a sense of independence, confidence, security, and control. This will also help parents find and manage the new normal when times call for flexibility.
  3. Model positive behaviour. Children hear, see, and are directly influenced by how their parents and caregivers react to various situations. Parents who demonstrate positive stress coping skills can help reassure children who are anxious or stressed.
  4. Practice positive sleep habits! Sleep is directly correlated to your child’s well-being. Ample sleep can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. For that reason, it’s important to implement a strict bedtime routine for your child, even when school is not in session!
  5. Keep conversation open and flowing. Now more than ever, it’s important to keep dialogue open with your child so they know they can talk to you about their feelings about what is going on. First, it’s important to take time to listen to your child, if they have concerns, you want them to come to you first. Second, be sure to provide accurate information, the CDC is a great resource for the most up to date information. Be sure to keep it light to not induce fear. Third, reassure your child that you are taking the right precautions to keep your family safe.
    The Little Gym is here for you and your family!


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